Why 'RIPOFF' ?

Why 'RIPOFF' ?

According to Cambridge, RIPOFF means "to cheat someone by making them pay too much money for something".

Basically to deceive someone financially by giving them something wack and making a bank💰

So why did we name our brand 'RIPOFF', when it is attached to a definition so damn negative ?
In short, we just had the balls to do it.
We were tired and i am guessing you are tired too...
Tired of paying so damn much for a tshirt that can be easily 30% or 40% lesser than the price you decided to pay for it.
Being a conscious consumer, we understand the pain points of people from our generation ( i do not speak for pappu who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth ).
So RIPOFF is basically a play of words, We provide better quality and a way better experience at a pocket friendly price which 80% of the college students can easily afford. 

So that's about it. This is why we named our brand RIPOFF even after the negative association it has.

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